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BIG post treatment scans

Writer: Emmys FriendsEmmys Friends

Since we checked in with you, little Ms. Emmy has finished her last chemo treatment in her pathway and returned home to the (kinda) snowy mountains. She has been resting, recovering, and really enjoying being in her very own house with her very own bed.

Her numbers on last blood draws looked better than expected and overall, she's feeling pretty darn good. There is even a fresh crop of super blonde peach fuzz sprouting on top of her head; a bubbling, smiling, energetic, and opinionated little chia pet!

We leave Sunday for Denver in preparation for early morning scans Monday at Childrens Hospital. This is the big day. These scans (MRI, CT, PET-CT) will paint a good picture of where we're at, a month out from treatment.

If things look good, then we will schedule her port to come out and she will end her treatment.

If not....well, we shall cross that shaky bridge over troubled waters if we need to.

In either case, this is right where we were this time last year. Facing down results from scans that will determine the direction our lives will take. We want so, so badly to be excited, confident, and overtly optimistic leading into this.

What we want and what we have to do are very often two different things. We must remain very cautiously optimistic, especially since the last time we did this, the news was not good. Treading lightly through the dark forest filled with peril is the best way not to get bit by something nasty. Not without seeing it coming anyway.

So think good thoughts about our ladybug this weekend. Lets fill her up with positivity and love as prepares to walk into that scan room, strong, confident, and ready for whatever.


In other news, wanted to let all you wonderful people know about an equally wonderful event coming up. Campout For The Cause, in it's 10th year has once again made our Moon Warrior Princess their main cause for this exquisite gathering. On a stunning piece of property in Buena Vista, CO, Campout will host about 1000 people per day for 3 days of creekside camping, beautiful music, all types of yoga, workshops, rafting, food, drinks, and all other manner of soul enriching activities.

It is one of the most special gatherings in one of the most amazing places that you will ever have a chance to experience.

Please check out the recap video from last year's event and if you are able, please come join us and our sweet little girl for a weekend filled with magic. Check out for more info

Love y'all - talk soon.


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